Quantitative real-time PCR revealed that AcUFGT gene expression decreased in fully-expanded leaves of stressed plants treated with fluridone, while a subsequent ABA application increased AcUFGT expression.

We also observed that TA concentrations followed the same pattern as ABA concentrations in the ABA treated plants.

ABA application restored ABA levels as well as TA concentrations in stressed plant at 48 h of the experiment. TA concentrations following fluridone treatment were reduced around fivefold, reaching control plant levels. We observed that fluridone treatments significantly decreased ABA concentrations and total anthocyanin (TA) concentrations in stressed plants, including both young and fully-expanded leaves. Plants were harvested and leaves were collected separately to determine the biochemical status. chilensis plants during 24, 48 and 72 h of the experiment. Our approach was to use fluridone, an ABA biosynthesis inhibitor, and then subsequent ABA applications to young and fully-expanded leaves of drought stressed A. Therefore, we studied whether ABA is involved in phenolic compounds accumulation, especially anthocyanin biosynthesis, using drought stressed Aristotelia chilensis plants, an endemic berry in Chile.

It has been postulated that ABA might be involved in regulation of plant phenolic compounds biosynthesis, especially anthocyanins that accumulate in plants subjected to drought stress however, the evidence for this postulate remains elusive. Abscisic acid (ABA) regulates the physiological and biochemical mechanisms required to tolerate drought stress, which is considered as an important abiotic stress.